
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. void populateFromJSON(T object, JSON data)
  2. void populateFromJSON(T object, JSON data, string pathPrefix)
    ref T object
    string pathPrefix = ""


populateFromJSON - ensure that deserialization works with valid JSON data

import dutils.validation.constraints : ValidateMinimumLength,
  ValidateMaximumLength, ValidateMinimum, ValidateEmail, ValidateRequired;

struct Person {
  string name;

  @ValidateMinimum!double(20) double height;

  string email;

  bool member;

auto data = JSON([
    "does not exists": JSON(true),
    "name": JSON("Anna"),
    "height": JSON(170.1),
    "email": JSON("anna@example.com"),
    "member": JSON(true)

Person person;
populateFromJSON(person, data);

assert(person.name == "Anna", "expected name Anna");
assert(person.height == 170.1, "expected height 170.1");
assert(person.email == "anna@example.com", "expected email anna@example.com");
assert(person.member == true, "expected member true");

populateFromJSON - ensure that validation errors are thrown with invalid JSON data

import std.conv : to;
import dutils.validation.validate : ValidationError, ValidationErrors;
import dutils.validation.constraints : ValidationErrorTypes, ValidateMinimumLength,
  ValidateMaximumLength, ValidateMinimum, ValidateEmail, ValidateRequired;

struct Person {
  string name;

  @ValidateMinimum!float(20) float height;

  string email;

  bool member;

auto data = JSON([
    "does not exists": JSON(true),
    "name": JSON("Anna"),
    "height": JSON("not a number")

Person person;

auto catched = false;
try {
  populateFromJSON(person, data);
} catch (ValidationErrors validation) {
  catched = true;
  assert(validation.errors.length == 4,
      "expected 4 errors, got " ~ validation.errors.length.to!string
      ~ " with message: " ~ validation.msg);
  assert(validation.errors[0].type == "type", "expected minimumLength error");
  assert(validation.errors[0].path == "height", "expected error path to be height");
  assert(validation.errors[1].type == "minimum", "expected minimum error");
  assert(validation.errors[1].path == "height", "expected error path to be height");
  assert(validation.errors[2].type == "required", "expected required error");
  assert(validation.errors[2].path == "email", "expected error path to be email");
  assert(validation.errors[3].type == "required", "expected required error");
  assert(validation.errors[3].path == "member", "expected error path to be member");

assert(catched == true, "did not catch the expected errors");

populateFromJSON - should populate

import dutils.validation.constraints : ValidateRequired, ValidateEmail;

struct Email {
  string to;

  string from;

  string subject;

  string body;

auto data = JSON([
    "does not exists": JSON(true),
    "to": JSON("anna@example.com"),
    "body": JSON("Some text")

Email email;
populateFromJSON(email, data);

assert(email.to == "anna@example.com", "expected to to be anna@example.com");
assert(email.from == "", "expected from to be \"\"");
assert(email.subject == "", "expected from to be \"\"");
assert(email.body == "Some text", "expected from to be \"Some text\"");
